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2015 Eric Steffen

Enhanced Experience with iBeacons – iOS App to link the physical and virtual environment at the Museum of the Battle of the Bulge in Luxembourg.


The user will probably come into contact with iBeacon functionality the first time visiting the museum. As a consequence, the visitor will not know how the app works. As we are accustomed to use our visual user interface on the smart-phone to complete tasks, it was hard for the test persons to understand that no immediate interaction was required in order to display the info-point content. A short welcome message in the first UX tests simply was not enough to explain the basic functionality of the app. Although, after the first two info- points, almost every test user understood the location based automation the app was based on, the first moments while starting the app need to be as comprehensible and user-freindly as possible in order to create an overall positive user experience and make the user feel more secure.

Another focus was the optimasation of the usability of app and concept. As the user has to concentrate on both exhibtion and the device in his/her hands, it was important to constantly improve the usability, to prevent that the app creates too much distraction. Observations proved, that many UI elements were not seen by the users. Therefore, a reduction to simple, well-known components like scroll views as well as a complete automated playback of audio and video files improved overall satisfaction and effectiveness.

The main goal, of enhancing the experience at the museum was accomplished with some minor deviations. The iBeacons proved to be working very reliable and precise throughout all the tests, especially taking into account the limited space in the museum. The app proved to be a great companion and extension of the museum’s exhibition, although at some info-points a profound correlation of app content and exhibits was missing. Nonetheless, the link between physical exhibtion and virtual app content that the iBeacons made possible is a significant opportunity for museums.


Interaktive Mediensysteme (MA)


Prof. KP Ludwig John
