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2018 Jerome Baur, Luisa Bieger, Tobias Bredemann, Michael Förg, Felix Nölte, Theresa Ryan, Jennifer Salgut, Antonia Trippner

Flic – Gesture Video Editor


Flic is a gesture-based video editor. It is operated with the whole body and offers innovative approaches to gesture control. Motion capture opens up new possibilities for interaction, allowing an interactive way of editing.

Touch, click and the keyboard are the usual means of controlling systems today. This is despite the fact that keyboard and touch control is quite unnatural. It is more natural and intuitive to use gestures, which not only take advantage of many degrees of freedom, but are also used every day to support verbal communication. Whether it is a shake of the head, a nod or a thumbs up, gestures are a popular way of communicating worldwide and an integral part of culture. However, gestural control of applications is not yet widespread.

Our project focuses on gesture recognition and control. Especially in the field of video editing and cutting, the use of mouse and keyboard quickly reaches its limits. The aim of the project is to create a fully functional video editor that can be controlled using gestures only. Special attention has been paid to new, innovative and above all intuitive gesture control.


Interaktive Medien (Projekt)


Prof. Dr. Michael Kipp, Prof. Jens Müller