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2018 Christian Sing, Konstantin Dautfest, Niklas Höger , Daniela Flechsig, Julia Seidel, Laura Löffler, Albrecht Hannah, Corinna Reithmeier

EcoChampion – Serious Game for Children


Save the world as an eco-champion. Start in the control room to receive a mission. Jump into a local world to tackle a problem. Earn power-ups by working with the local community.

EcoChampion is an open series of mini-games. The student team produced a first mini-game based on a concept from Ecofund. With a little help from the NGOs Ecofund ( and Manos Verdes (, the students got in touch with 8-12 year old children from Villa Ballesta (Argentina), Rabat (Morocco) and Gessertshausen (Germany). The students shared their views on waste through their own drawings and gave valuable feedback. On the basis of this knowledge, the students are building a playable prototype. The first completed mini-game is the Autorunner Garbage Patrol. The player has to avoid obstacles while delivering the collected rubbish. The garbage must then be sorted. By involving the locals, the player gets power-ups.

The aim of the game is to address local environmental problems and show possible solutions. In our serious game, environmental problems are seen as challenges to be solved together.


Interaktive Medien (Projekt)


Prof. Jens Müller, Prof. Dr. Thomas Rist in cooperation with Markus Faschina ( and Marion Speth (


Markus Faschina ( and Marion Speth (
